Show season is coming. We've stocked up on some of our favorite quilting books...

#creativfestivalKawartha Quilting and Sewing

I think I'm in thread heaven...

#kawarthaquiltingsystemsKawartha Quilting and Sewing

What a great bunch of people. Thank you all for spending a couple of days with...

#freemotionquiltingKawartha Quilting and Sewing

All ready for our Free Motion Classes the next 2 days with Monique Wilson from...

#applehillquiltinganddesignsKawartha Quilting and Sewing

The big beauty is ready to go home. Quilted with Cream Glide Thread and using...

#berryvinebytkquiltingKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Thanks to all you folks who helped me out last week by coming in a buying lots...

#findyourwidebackshereKawartha Quilting and Sewing

On the frame today...

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing