A day can get even better!!!

#glidethreadKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Carpenter's Star ready to go home. #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems #gammill...

#berryvinepantoKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Got some bling ready for our Gammill cruise. Can't wait! #kqs...

#blingedoutKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Here's a little Monday morning pick me up. Who needs coffee? #kqs...

#featheredgardenpantobytimelessquiltingKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Isn't is pretty? #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems #gammill #glidethread...

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Little bit of spring colour today. New panto from Wasatch Quilting called...

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Ooo some pretty new wide backings just came in. The grey is a cozy flannel and...

#kawarthaquiltingsystemsKawartha Quilting and Sewing