What's black and white and red all over? This quilt is!

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing


#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Always a privilege to quilt someone's very first quilt.

#firstquiltKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Loonie day today...

#customKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Cuteness alert...Giddy up little pony. #KQS, #kawarthaquiltingsystems,...

#cowboycutenessKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Just got in some of Glide's new 60 wt thread. Can't wait to try it!

#glidethreadKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Alberta is working on her first quilt in her new home while we work on setting...

#kawarthanowKawartha Quilting and Sewing


#glidethreadKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Studio needs a new...

#kawarthanowKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Pat quilted for the first time with our Statler. It looks great!

#kawarthaquiltingsystemsKawartha Quilting and Sewing

This went home yesterday. You'll be able to see it at The Quilter's Bolt in...

#fairislechristmasKawartha Quilting and Sewing