New widebackings just in. #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems

#kawarthaquiltingsystemsKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Maybe this adorable Christmas quilt with make you feel a little cooler on this...

#christmastreesandstarspantoKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Quickest little baby quilt ever. New fabric collection from The Quilter's Bolt...

#firesidebymodaKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Look at those pretty stitches... #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems #gammill...

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing

When you want texture to be the focus not the stitches then Microquilter by...

#cottonmillthreadworksKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Wendy # 4 affectionately called Slimey Limey" . It should wake you up this...

#kawarthaquiltingsystemsKawartha Quilting and Sewing