Perfect quilt for the spoon foot. #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems #gammillquilting...

#gammillquiltingKawartha Quilting and Sewing

On the frame today...True North by Apple Hill Quilting and Designs. Class here...

#applehillquiltinganddesignsKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Look what just came in the Canadian Quilter Magazine! Great to see Gammill in a...

#canadianquilterKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Packing up for our Statler Retreat that begins tomorrow! Georgia Stull is...

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Just about done...

#gammillKawartha Quilting and Sewing

The Village Quilt is done. How cute. What a great to use scraps up. #kqs...

#circleplaypantoKawartha Quilting and Sewing

On the frame today.... #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems #gammillquilting...

#gammillquiltingKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Kittens by Elizabeth Hartman, Anita Shackelford's Modern Curves and Lilac Glide...

#anitashackelfordKawartha Quilting and Sewing

This should be interesting..backing loaded. #kqs #kawarthaquiltingsystems

#kawarthaquiltingsystemsKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Off the frame today. This beauty was stitched with sand Glide Thread and Linda...

#gammillquiltingKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Lloyd and Lola went to live at The Quilter's Bolt. Aren't they cute? Stop by and...

#debssunnyleavespantoKawartha Quilting and Sewing

Decisions,decisions. So many Glide colours to choose from. Which one do you...

#glidethreadKawartha Quilting and Sewing