AccuQuilt is excited to announce an improvement to the GO! Strip Cutter-6 1/2" (6" Finished) die. This upgrade is simple, yet offers users a valuable way to expand the use and versatility of their fabric cutters.
This GO! Strip Cutter will have four angled guide lines printed on the foam surface. Lines at 90-degrees, 30-degrees, 45-degrees, and 60-degrees allow quilters to cut strips into squares and several types of diamonds that can be used to make classic quilts like the Lone Star and Tumbling Blocks. These preprinted angled guide lines will make it easy to create a variety of shapes with consistent cuts that will save time and fabric. The GO! Strip Cutter Dies are hugely popular amongst quilters, and now the creative possibilities with Strip Cutter Dies are infinitely bigger.
Product Details
AQ Cutting Mat Required: GO! Cutting Mat, 10 in. x 24 in. (25.4 cm x 61 cm)
How to Die Cut 6 1/2" Strips:
- 6 1/2" Strips: Cut 7" wide strips across width of fabric to cut one, 6 1/2" strips. Position fabric on die so fold of fabric is perpendicular to cutting blades and will roll through the cutter first. One yard of 40" wide fabric cuts five strips.
- 6 1/2" Squares: Start with a 6 1/2" strip aligning it across die board with the 90° guide line. Fanfold into 7" widths. Cut five 6 1/2" squares across the width of fabric. One yard of 40" wide fabric cuts 25 squares.
- 45° Diamond-9 1/4" Cut Side Edge: Start with a 6 1/2" strip. Align your 6 1/2" strip across the die board to the right side of the 45° guide line.
- 30° Diamond-13" Cut Side Edge: Start with a 6 1/2" strip. Align your 6 1/2" strip across the die board to the right side of the 30° guide line.
- 60° Diamond-7 5/8" Cut Side Edge: Start with a 6 1/2" strip. Align your 6 1/2" strip across the die board to the right side of the 60° guide line.
Why Quilters Love the GO! 6 1/2" Strip Cutter Die:
- Many quilters struggle with cutting long strips for borders. The GO! Strip Cutter-6 1/2" makes it easy to cut perfect wide borders as well as 6" finished blocks and more.
- No sliding rulers! No miscuts! The GO! Strip Cutter-6 1/2" includes one strip that can be a challenge to cut by hand.
- Ideal for scrappy quilts! Easily cut up to 6 layers of scraps or full length fabric on the die to get three perfectly cut 6 1/2" strips in one pass thru the cutter.
- GO! Strip Cutter-6 1/2" includes 1/4" seam allowances for easy alignment and piecing.
- Cut perfect 6 1/2" strips, then use the angled guide lines to cut squares and diamonds.
- Die blades are 23" long and are open at both ends to allow cutting of fabric that is still folded as it comes off the bolt.
- Cut strips out of a variety of fabrics: cotton, batiks, flannel, fleece, Cuddle® fabrics and more!
- Free pattern downloads available to get you started.
Machine Compatibility
- Compatible with GO!
- Compatible with GO! Big
- Compatible with Studio
Required Cutting Mat
GO! Cutting Mat, 10 in. x 24 in. (25.4 cm x 61 cm)
Related Patterns
- GO! Appliqued Frolic Pattern